Should You Have A Presentation At Your Trade Show?

Published June, 2024
Should You Have A Presentation At Your Trade Show?

Should You Have A Presentation At Your Trade Show?

If you’re thinking of participating in a trade show, working with reliable exhibit services gives you that crucial edge in creating an environment for the trade show in which you can meet people, make leads, and grow your business prospects. However, exhibit services are just one part of the equation, and the other is how you present your business to convince others to work with you.

This leads to an important question beyond just designing your exhibit: Will growing your business prospects benefit from giving a presentation?

Your Goals Matter

The defining variable that determines the effectiveness of a presentation for your trade show presence is what kind of goals you have for the trade show itself. If your goal is to appeal to consumers, journalists, and other general attendees, trying to communicate a message across as efficiently as possible to the greatest number of people, a trade show presentation makes a lot of sense. This often entails either having a presentation space at your exhibit or else booking stage space at a trade show to do your presentation in an auditorium or other venue.

However, suppose your goal is to build on existing business relationships and foster new, in-depth partnerships through personalized business interactions in a meeting or conference-style setting. In that case, a presentation may not be advised here. This situation is better served with customized interactions, questions directed at the potential client, and, if required, smaller demonstrations or video content meant to be viewed together.

Creating Your Presentation

If a presentation meets your goals, then it’s important to do this right. The mindset going into a presentation is to create a short, impactful message. This is not like a brochure or a manual where in-depth, detailed data is expected. Instead, making an impression with compelling visuals, audio, and, most important of all, an easy-to-remember message about your product or service benefits is what your goal should be.

Short length is an important factor to keep in mind. This is a busy trade show, and if you’re trying to appeal to general attendees, time will always be short. This is not a corporate or training video, so you should try to restrict presentations to only a few minutes. The goal here is to make attendees want to know more, not to explain everything then and there. Once that goal is achieved, you direct them to websites, brochures, or even your staff for more details.

If you want to work with experienced exhibit services for your trade show, contact Lighthouse Exhibits. We can help.