Marketing Materials For Your Trade Show

If you’re thinking of attending a trade show and you’re working with exhibit services to prepare for your experience, one thing you should consider is the kind of printed materials you’re going to have available at your exhibit. A trade show is a physical experience, and printed materials are an important component. Here’s what you should always consider having ready to display and give away at your trade show exhibit.
Business Cards
Business cards are the ultimate quick and fast way to connect because they are small, compact, and can be used in just about any situation. While it’s important to have business cards available at your exhibit, the beauty of these tools is that employees can bring them wherever they go, including networking and other professional social events.
While business cards can’t explain in depth the benefits of your product or service, they make it easy for potential new clients and customers to reach out to someone in your company who can.
These are the bread and butter of any business, especially during a trade show. A brochure can be as light on details or as heavy with them as needed. Brochures are the first line of defense in corporate literature, giving potential new clients or customers a brief or detailed introduction to your product or service.
Depending on your approach, you can have multiple brochures at different levels of detail or complexity. The important thing is that this will give people visiting your exhibit a better idea of what your business can do for them.
Custom Forms
If you’re attending a trade show, you’ll often deal with professionals in your industry and discuss various aspects of product or service provision. Sometimes this can require detailed information, and in some instances, preliminary business forms may be drawn up, such as providing a quote that can be referred to back at the home office when the trade show is over.
Custom forms are a good way to have your business stand out from the crowd. Rather than just scratching out names and figures on a blank sheet of paper, having custom forms makes your company look more visible and professional. It’s a great way to establish a reputation that lingers as it contains the valuable business information potential clients and customers are looking for while promoting your corporate identity.
If you’re considering participating in a trade show and want to plan your exhibit, we can help. Contact ,Lighthouse Exhibits, and we can assist you with designing and constructing your trade show exhibit.