Does Exhibit Location Impact Your Trade Show Performance?

Published February, 2024
Does Exhibit Location Impact Your Trade Show Performance?

Does Exhibit Location Impact Your Trade Show Performance?

When it comes to setting up an exhibit at a trade show to help improve your business, a core component of this is, of course, the exhibit itself. Exhibit professionals can build you something that creates the ideal trade show space for business, but there’s still the matter of exhibit placement. Does this matter a lot?

The answer to that depends largely on your trade show goals. If, for example, you’re primarily interested in conducting meetings with appointments scheduled in advance, then where your exhibit is located is less of an issue. On the other hand, if you want to attract random visitors, then location becomes very important.

Here are a few factors to consider when it comes to selecting your exhibit location.

The Entrance Matters

When people first arrive on the trade show floor, the exhibits are close to the entrance they will see. These will also be the last things visitors see as they leave. So it should come as no surprise that in terms of foot traffic, the entrance of the trade show floor experiences high volumes of people moving through.

However, it should also not be too surprising that the spaces near the entrance often command premium pricing. This is valuable real estate, so be prepared to pay accordingly if you want a space in this area.

Sponsors & Big Brands Work Too

Another good spot that typically enjoys high amounts of traffic is proximity to a major brand. For example, at the Consumer Electronics Show, a globally recognized brand, such as Sony, will often have one of the largest trade show spaces and attract an equivalent crowd of visitors.

However, this also often means that exhibits in proximity to a larger Brand Name Exhibit will benefit from being so close. There may be limitations on the number of visitors or people waiting for scheduled appointments, and often. Because of this, exhibits nearby often become natural repositories for visitor “overflow.”


There are often other areas that naturally attract a flow of visitors, such as food and beverage vending sites or even the locations of restrooms. Placement in these areas guarantees that an exhibit will have its fair share of people walking by.

Of course, these people will usually have something else on their mind, such as refreshments or having just relieved themselves, so it may take a bit more marketing spirit to take advantage of these positions.

If you want to work with a full-service exhibit company for your next trade show venture, contact Lighthouse Exhibits.